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Capt Cowboy

480th FS
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About Capt Cowboy

  • Birthday 03/21/1988

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Capt Cowboy's Achievements


Rookie (2/16)

  • First Post

Recent Badges

  1. until
    A2G -TBD
  2. until
    A2G -TBD
  3. until
    SEAD Training
  4. until
    Air to Ground basics.
  5. until
    Introduction to A2G (SAM hunting)
  6. until
    We will begin with a briefing of the upcoming JO, then go SAM hunting.
  7. until
    Takeoff from Sochi, AAR, and explore A2G systems at the SAM range.
  8. until
    Takeoff from Sochi, AAR, and head to the SAM range to get ready for the JO.
  9. until
    Night time with rain and high winds. We will practice waypoint/TACAN navigation, AAR, and ILS approaches.
  10. until
    Night time with rain and high winds. We will practice waypoint/TACAN navigation, AAR, and ILS approaches.
  11. until
  12. until
  13. until
    Please ensure that you have the controls mapped for the T45, and SRS installed!
  14. until
    CAS with the F/A-18's and Harriers.
  15. until
    Training night.
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