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LT Hedge

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About LT Hedge

  • Birthday 02/02/1999

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Rookie (2/16)

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  1. until
    Pack your bags Black Aces! This Wednesday for our final training before the Syria deployment fly-in on the 25th, VFA-41 will depart CVN-73 and head to the Southeast to conduct Intercept training and practice Intercept geometry with 40NM runs. Each Pilot will conduct two runs, one against a cooperative and one against a non-cooperative bandit. We will be using the F-14 Speed and Angels Document on Intercepts for Admin. If all goes well and fuel permitting, we will conduct 2v2 Intercepts before we break off and head for Vaziani, which will be our staging point for fly-ins. As per fly-in tradition, we will approach in a flying V formation, kiss off one by one into the overhead break, park together, and shut down simultaneously.
  2. until
    This Saturday, VFA-41 will conduct a refamiliarization flight of Case III procedures from Warfighter. We will meet at 8EST/7CST in the Ready Room, brief an intricate briefing on the CASE III departure and recovery procedures (as well as ACLS if time should allow for it). From there we will break off into our individual flight rooms and go up. Each pilot should get two to three traps on the boat without being waved off to be considered "requalified". This will be helpful for our upcoming Syria deployment in the event that we have to recover aboard the boat during Night VMC or Day IMC.
  3. until
    The VFA-41 Black Aces will be conducting training at the SEAD range on the vCENTCOM server. SEAD/DEAD tactics will be discussed and briefed in DETAIL prior to the flight. Pilots may use any weapons of their choice, but suggested weapons are: High altitude LGB/JDAM drops for SA-8/SA-9/SA-13/SA-15/SA-18(MANPADs) /SA-19 JSOW Employment (AGM-154 A and C) AGM-88C HARM
  4. VFA-41 will conduct Saturday training as a spin-up for the deployment cycle, as well as our Gray Flag training event. We will cover the following: Shackle Cross Turn G-Warm TAC Turns In Place Turns 2v1 against a similar bandit (WVR/BFM) 2v1 against a dissimilar bandit (WVR/BFM) Next Saturday's lecture will cover 1v2 tactics and 2v2 tactics
  5. until
    Tonight VFA-41 will conduct Dissimilar Air Combat Training against an UNK bandit (flown by Lt. Hedge)
  6. until
    VFA-41 will be conducting a flight in conjunction with VMFA(AW)-225 on the Gray Flag server.
  7. IP Request F/A-18C AFS 100, 101, 102. -Hedge
  8. until
    IP Request for SNA Sidewinder, covering skills: 100: INI-CHECK 101: DDI SUPT 102: HSI 103: AIR OPS CHECK 104: VFR LAND-BASED PROCEDURES 105: BASIC IFR OPERATIONS 106: FORMATIONS Other SNAs are more than welcome to attend, as long as it is approved by the check IP (Hedge) and student pilot (Sidewinder)
  9. until
    VFA-41 Training Night: Anti-Ship Training utilizing AGM-84 Harpoon ASMs.
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    VFA-41 Training Night: SEAD/DEAD Training Night: AGM-88 HARM in T.O.O. and SP modes.
  11. until
    VFA-41 Training Night: Joint Operation Preparation. We will be preparing for Operation Golden Horse by completing a simulated Strike Escort Mission.
  12. until
    VFA-41 Training Night JHMCS/HMD usage and introduction to off boresight shots.
  13. until
    VFA-41 Training Night: Advanced BVR Tactics flight. Part 2 of 2
  14. until
    VFA-41 Training Night: Topic: Advanced BVR Tactics discussion. Part 1 of 2.
  15. until
    Training and Proficiency check for Student Naval Aviator Steel Skill Levels Covered: 100 - Initial Check 101 - DDI Support Page 102 - HSI 103 - Basic Air Ops 104 - Airfield Landing 105 - Instrument Navigation 106 - Formation Flying
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